Jami and Richard Whitehead

Welcome to Imaj’n Poodles! I am Jami Whitehead, a second generation handler, trainer, and groomer! I started showing my moms Standard Poodles (Aldea) in Junior Showmanship at 14 years old. I have shown multiple dogs to their AKC championships, including my mothers foundation bitch with a huge win at the Bluebonnet Poodle Club with over 60 entries. I also put a Best in Show on my dads Tibetan Spaniel, making him the 11th Tibbie in the USA to win one.

When I became an adult I ventured away from showing and started a family. I had an empty feeling for a long time and came to realize that my heart was longing for my life with dogs. Unfortunately I had a surgery go wrong that left me uncappable of handling professionally. It was a blessing in disguise. It has given me the ability to slow down and teach my children how to care for animals.

My husband, Richard, who is a Gulf War Veteran suffers from PTSD and has a poodle of his own. Teddy, is his service dog and its amazing to watch this ball of fur pull a grown man out of a nightmare. Richard has also taken up showing!

Both of my boys have started showing in Juniors now. My youngest (Colin) won Best Junior Handler with his Miniature Poodle his second time in the ring, from the novice class!

My life has been overjoyed with these sweet tempered dogs and I want to share the love and support they have given me with your family.

My mom, Paula Ford of Aldea, shares this website and everything poodle with me. We are in this together! Please check out the “Aldea” tab!